


上海秉奇阀门有限公司是一家集科研、产品开发、制造、销售、售后服务于一体的高新技术企业,位于享誉国际盛名城市--上海,具有实力的国内合资企业。本公司具有强大的设计、生产、销售和服务队伍。生产历史悠久、质量体系完善,测试手段齐全,生产工艺先进,确保产品质量有保障免客户后顾之忧。产品采用国外先进技术设备,严格按照国家标准和行业标准,以及APIDINJISISO等国际标准生产制造各种阀门。 本公司专业生产:球阀、蝶阀、闸阀、截止阀、止回阀、针型阀、过滤器、电磁阀、刀型闸阀、呼吸阀、阻火器、柱塞阀、排污阀、排泥阀、疏水阀、放料阀、排气阀、衬氟阀门、旋塞阀、调节阀、减压阀、安全阀、水力控制阀、平衡阀、液压阀、卫生级阀门、液化气专用阀、视镜等等。材料有:铸铁、碳钢、不锈钢、合金钢和特种材料等,其中铸件有:CF8CF3CF3MWC5WC6WC9WCBLCBLC3等,锻件有:A105F11F22F304F316F304LF316L等。压力等级:150-2500LBPN1.0-42MPa,温度:-196600 ,口径1/4-68〝、2-1800,驱动方式:手动、齿轮传动、电动、气动、液动、蜗轮传动。采用标准:APIANSIBSJISDINNFJBHGSHGB等标准。本公司为了更满足用户的需求,设有销售二部,代理销售进口阀门有:美国进口阀门、日本进口阀门、英国进口阀门、德国进口阀门等著名品牌产品。
上海秉奇阀门有限公司自创办以来,对产品进行不断优化锐意创新,努力开发以国代进,打造秉奇的方针。大胆引进人才,狠抓管理和质量,成功采用了先进的计算机管理和CAD设计,建立起一套完整的质量保证体系,雄厚的技术品,愿与各界新老朋友携手共进,竭诚合作,回报广大用户对我们支持与厚爱。力量、精良的生产设备、先进的检测手段、精湛的生产工艺,结合多年的生产经验以及规范科学的管理,使我厂的每一个产品质量都得以保障,从而得到了众多客户的认可,阀门产品受到广大用户的好评,低廉的价格,周到品牌。本公司产品规模齐全品种繁多,生产能力强,营销手段活;主要产品不断远销东南亚地区和国内各地,深受 化工、石油、石油化工、环保、给排水、冶金、电力、造纸、制药、印染、海水淡化、食品酿酒、暖通等行业用户的一致好评。秉着:品质优异、客户满意的经营理念,为你提供优良的产品和完善的服务。是您的诚挚的朋友。多年来,本公司奉行质量第一,用户至上的宗旨,坚持依靠科技求发展,依靠质量求生存,改善管理求效益,争创名牌促销售的售后服务,拓宽了我厂的销售渠道,产品销售除覆盖全省各地。  


销售热线:021-51698378   传真:021-51698378   手机:13524269805   黄先生

网址一           网址二  


Shanghai Bing Qi Valve Co., Ltd. is a research, product development, manufacturing, sales and after-sales service in one of the high-tech enterprise, located in the renowned international reputation cities - Shanghai, with the strength of the domestic joint ventures. The company has a strong design, production, sales and service teams. Long history of production, quality sound system, complete testing means, advanced production technology to ensure product quality guaranteed free customer worries. Products using advanced foreign technology and equipment, in strict accordance with national standards and industry standards, and API, DIN, JIS, ISO and other international standards for manufacturing of various valves. The company specializes in production of: ball valves, butterfly valves, gate valves, globe valves, check valves, needle valves, filters, solenoid valves, knife gate valve, breather valves, flame arresters, piston valve, discharge valve, exhaust mud valves, dischargevalve, exhaust valve, lined valves, plug valves, control valve, relief valve, safety valve, hydraulic control valve, balance valve, hydraulic valves, sanitary valves, special gas valves, sight glasses and so on. Material: cast iron, carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy and specialty materials, including castings are: CF8, CF3, CF3M, WC5, WC6, WC9, WCB, LCB, LC3, etc., forgings are: A105, F11, F22, F304 , F316, F304L, F316L and so on. Pressure levels :150-2500LB, PN1.0-42MPa, temperature: -196 ~ 600 , diameter 1 / 4 "-68", 2 mm -1800 mm, drive: manual, gear transmission, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic , worm gear drive. Standard: API, ANSI, BS, JIS, DIN, NF, JB, HG, SH, GB and other standards. The company in order to better meet customer needs, with sales of two, the sales agent inlet valve are: American imports of valves, valve imported from Japan, the United Kingdom imports of valves, valve imported from Germany and other famous brand products.
      Bing Qi Valve Co., Ltd. Shanghai since its inception, to optimize the product innovation, and strive to develop products substituted, to create "Bing Qi," "approach. Bold introduction of talent, pay close attention to management and quality, successful adoption of advanced Computer Management and CAD design and build a complete quality assurance system, strong technical products, old and new friends willing to join hands with the community, dedication, customers return to our support and love. strength, sophisticated production equipment, advanced detection instruments, superb production technology, combined with years of production experience and standardized and scientific management, so that each of our plant are able to guarantee product quality, which has been recognized by many customers, valve products are the majority of users, low price and good brand. The full scale of a wide variety of products, production capacity, marketing of life; the main products exported to Southeast Asia and continue around the country, by the chemical, petroleum, petrochemical, environmental protection, water supply and drainage, metallurgy, electricity, paper, pharmaceutical, printing and dyeing, desalination, food and wine, HVAC and other industrial users alike. Bingzhe: "excellent quality, customer satisfaction" business philosophy, to provide you with excellent products and perfect service . is your sincere friend. Over the years, the company of "quality first, users first" purpose, adhere to the "scientific and technological development, rely on the quality of survival, improve management efficiency, striving to promote sales of brand-name service broadened our plant sales channels, product sales in addition to covering across the province.
    All walks of life welcome new and old customers letter calls, visit our factory to discuss business. We will be strong growth trend, high-quality products, old and new friends willing to join hands with the community, dedication, customers return to our support and love.


Sales Hotline :021 -51698378

Fax :021 -51698378

Mobile: 13524269805  Mr. Huang
Website A:

Website II:




