


  • 更新:2019-03-17
  • 关注:164
  • 供应商:句容尤二锅炉辅机设备有限公司
  • 联系人:阚春阳
  • 手机:18652875697
  • 传真:85092109
  • Q Q:
  • 地址:江苏省镇江市句容市天王镇东大街19号








 Heat conducting oil boiler is a special kind of straight - flow boiler developed on the basis of forced circulation design.

 Closed circulation heating, connected with the atmosphere, can extend the service life of boilers, liquid phase heat transfer, low heat loss, remarkable energy saving effect, good environmental protection effect.

 The body adopts the design of flue gas three-return coil, which determines the safety performance of traditional boilers. Because of the coil structure, the heating surface is sufficient, so it has higher thermal efficiency.

 The heat conducting oil boiler is characterized by countercurrent heat transfer, and the temperature difference between combustion and exhaust gas and thermal conducting oil outlet is less than 30 degrees. Its excellent structure, heat conduction oil boiler is mainly run under low pressure, working temperature below 450 ℃, has the characteristics of low pressure of high temperature.





