- 产品价格:
- 2258
- 更新时间:
- 2018-04-02
- 点击关注:
- 800
- 产品型号:
- 1794-IM16
- 产品品牌:
- AB
- 供应商:
- 厦门泰尼电气有限公司
- 联系人:
- 小黄
- 手机:
- 18950191386
- 电话:
- 0592-6809319
- 在线咨询:
- 传真:
- 0592-6890859
- 所在地区:
- 地址:
- 厦门海沧街道滨湖一里7号
朋友們,當您需要施耐德140系列|美国AB PLC及瑞恩模块、驱动|ABB DSQC|英维思Invensys Triconex、 FOXBORO|摩托罗拉MVME工业模组|GE FANUC|西门子moore 及数控系统|菲尼克斯电源|霍尼韦尔|博世力士乐 模块|原装正品,請想起厦门泰尼电气。
厦门泰尼电气有限公司 所销售的自动化设备 產品~貨期短、價格優、報價迅速、保證 原裝 进口,歡迎来电详询~!
业务负责人: 小黄
咨询---FAX: 0592-6890859
咨询---Q Q: 2917675397
NetApp DS14 MK2 RA-1402 430-00018-B0 7TB HDD - 14x500gb
ACG ACG-2000 Dial Radio System Aeronautical Communicati
Georator Corporation Geosine Peak Current Supply 100-41
JBL EON 15 G2 Powered Monitor Speaker Tested
Liebert RCM8CE 146743G1 8 Point Monitor System Remote C
Cisco Catalyst 3560G Series 24-Port Switch WS-C3560G-24
Lot of 64Unimark ET6000 Thermal Printer Head KHT-80-8P
Lot of 56Lantronix Fast Ethernet Print Server EPS2-100
Perophonics VPS9000SP Voice Processing Series w/5036352
Lot of 210Promethean Activote Voting Pods PRM-AV3-01 A
Cisco Catalyst C2960G 24-Port Switch WS-C2960G-24TC-L
Lot of 59Cisco/Linksys SD216 Small ethernet 16-Port 10
Lot of 18 Epson EMP-S3 Projectors 6Tinted Yellow 3Blu
Network Associates ATM book Base Unit w/ OC3-MMF Module
USI ARL-25 25" Hot Roll Laminator for Parts or Repair
Lot of 9 SC-SC/50/DX/10 Meter Cables 204072
Cisco 2811 CISCO2811 800-26920-04 COM7R00ARA Router+1H
Unimark Ticket Printer 81U-8506-000 K w/ Key, Tested an
Lot of 3 eCopy ScanStand #SSLCD 10" Touchscreen Monitor
Ricoh 4420NF 3760nf/F550/LF416e/4420NF All In One Laser
OKI C5550MFP Printing Solutions All-in-One Printer N311
EMC2 KLE Dell HK392 15-Bay Hard Drive Array w/4.375TB -
Konica ColorForce 8050 w/Konica Minolta FS-602 Copier F
Lot of 30Genicom/UBI/Atech Printer 9794860-0078+201.0
HP Color LaserJet 4650dtn Laser Printer Q3671A 78K Page
Arraid AEM-1 AEM-1A/RMR Data Storage Device 2Drive Bay
Lot of 55Calypso Control Systems CW_Rev02 Switches Pow
Tektronix 4010-1 Workstation w/Stand 200150-101 Doesn't
Memorex 1147R Data Telex Network Control Unit modules a
NetApp RA-1402 DS14 MK2 4.0625TB 13320gb SATA HDD 1AT
NetApp RA-1402 DS14 MK2 14320GB 4.375TB IDE HD 1AT-FC
EMC2 Clariion CX700 005047421 w/2005048247 Dual 4GB St
NetApp DS14 MK2 RA-1402 430-0009+B0 Drive Array 5.5TB 1
NetApp RA-1402 DS14 MK2 w/14HDD 4.9TBB 1AT-FC2 Module
NORTEL Secure Router SR1004 SR2101017E5 1002/1004
Lot of 2IBM RS/6000 servers 1unknown cpu/256mb RAM/0H
Lot of 175Smartio C168H C168H/PCI PCI Cards
NetApp RA-1402 DS14 MK2 Drive Array w/ 4.0625TB IDE & S
NetApp DS14 MK2 RA-1402 430-00018-B0 Drive Array w/4.37
NetApp DS14 MK2 RA-1402 430-0009+B0 Drive Array 4.375TB
NetApp RA-1402 DS14 MK2 Drive Array w/4.375TB HDD 14x32
Lot of 5 Motorola Cabinets CWID-50B+C44RCB-3105BT+C34RC
UNISYS ClearPath Plus Server Cabinet Style CS211-S1 w/M
ELO Storage System HRT361941-DR w/EXD2121-IPL Server HD
M4DATA 9905 Tape Drive For Parts or Repair
Rediffusion Simulation LTD. AL7/331/3 Unit w/ 4 Ports i
Lot of 5HP LaserJet 34600DTN+24600DN Laser Printer 3
HP R65-5039 Cabinet w/3RU5-8386 500 Sheet Paper Tray F
HP 7046B High Spped X-Y Recorder/Plotter
HP C7745NB SureStore Tape Autoloader
Documation M 200 Card Reader As-Is/For Parts & Repair
TouchPort K2000B Celeron 500MHz/256MB/0HD Motherboard P
TouchPort K2000B Celeron 733MHz/256MB/0HD Motherboard P