- 产品价格:
- 150000
- 更新时间:
- 2018-06-12
- 点击关注:
- 221
- 产品型号:
- 标准40
- 产品品牌:
- 升威(管锈钢)
- 供应商:
- 佛山市管锈钢商贸有限公司
- 联系人:
- 朱香安
- 手机:
- 18820879368
- 电话:
- 18820879368
- 在线咨询:
- 传真:
- 0757-81162336
- 所在地区:
- 广东 佛山
- 地址:
- 南海区罗村街道沿江北路1号富弘广场
- 公司网站:
Decorative pipe making machine is the production of decorative pipe of professional equipment, mainly for the production of products, furniture, home and other aspects of the pipe. Decorative pipe for the pipe machine requirements lower than the industrial pipe, so the decorative pipe machine only need to make the specifications of the pipe, the outer surface will not appear uneven, bending and other defects to meet the requirements.Decorative pipe machine finished pipe in the indoor and outdoor fence, staircase handrails, anti-theft doors and windows and other fields are widely used.
装饰制管机流程/Decorative pipe making machine process:
开卷(Coiling)——进带导向(Entering device)——成型(Forming)——焊接(Welding)——抛光打磨(Polishing)——整形定径(sizing)——校直(Straightening)——定尺切断(Cutting)——卸料(Unloading)
常规装饰制管机尺寸/Conventional decorative pipe making machine size:
装饰制管机参数/Decorative pipe machine parameters: