- 产品价格:
- 150000
- 更新时间:
- 2018-06-13
- 点击关注:
- 224
- 产品型号:
- 标准40
- 产品品牌:
- 升威(管锈钢)
- 供应商:
- 佛山市管锈钢商贸有限公司
- 联系人:
- 朱香安
- 手机:
- 18820879368
- 电话:
- 18820879368
- 在线咨询:
- 传真:
- 0757-81162336
- 所在地区:
- 广东 佛山
- 地址:
- 南海区罗村街道沿江北路1号富弘广场
- 公司网站:
工业制管机是生产工业型管材的专用焊管机,随着不锈钢制管技术的不断成熟,工业用不锈钢管在很多领域已经逐步取代无缝管材。如流体管、热交换器管、汽车用管等等 。
Industrial pipe making machine is the production of industrial pipe special pipe machine, with the stainless steel pipe technology continues to mature, industrial stainless steel pipe in many areas has gradually replaced the seamless pipe. Such as fluid tubes, heat exchanger tubes, automotive tubes and so on.
After the industrial pipe production pipe with geometric angle / size standards, weld location and other characteristics, which are mainly determined by the entire pipe production line configuration, under normal circumstances, a complete industrial pipe production line including the system Pipe unit, within the weld leveling machine, online bright solution annealing equipment, if the requirements of the pipe with high requirements also need to be equipped with online video tracking, online eddy current testing, etc., in order to achieve high standards of pipe requirements.
工业制管机的流程/Industrial pipe making machine process:
开卷(Coiling)——钢带清洗(Strip cleaning)——进带导向(Entering device)——成型(Forming)——焊接(Welding)——内外焊缝整平(Leveling)——焊缝抛磨(Polishing)——整形定径(Sizing)——光亮固溶退火(Bright solution annealing)——牵引(Traction)——校直(Straightening)——探伤(Crack detection)——喷码(Coding)——定尺切断(Cutting)——(盘料)自动卸料(Unloading)——试压(Pressure test)
工业制管机参数/Industrial pipe machine parameters