专业进口德国esitron-electronic伺服电机驱动器 ,EMS防爆电机,100 原装正品,质优价
- 产品价格:
- 20000
- 更新时间:
- 2018-07-18
- 点击关注:
- 174
- 产品型号:
- esiMot7/1.350.01-Ex
- 产品品牌:
- esitron-electronic
- 供应商:
- 上海麒诺机电科技有限公司
- 联系人:
- 杜培杰
- 手机:
- 18800373698
- 电话:
- 021-56680271
- 在线咨询:
- 传真:
- 021-56680271
- 所在地区:
- 上海 上海
- 地址:
- 洪德路1139号517室
Brushless servo-motor with integrated electronics Positioning and speed-/torque regulator mode Digital 4-Q regulator Set value analog +/- 10V DC / 0 ... 10 V DC with direction signal 0/4 ... 20 mA Recordable drive records (PLC-interface) Galvanically insulated fieldbus interface: Profibus-DP PROFINET CANopen DSP402 EtherCAT CoE RS485 Bus address and baud rate adjustable via switch Multiturn absolute encoder (built-in) Standstill brake ATEX114, Zone 2 and 22 Direct status- and diagnostics function through LED's Digital inputs and outputs (24V) RS232 for parameter setting 24 - 60V DC motor supply Separate logic supply 24V, wrong polarity protected Planetary and worm-gearboxes
esiMot XL
Brushless servo-motor with integrated electronics
Positioning and speed-/torque regulator mode
Digital 4-Q regulator
Set value analog
+/- 10V DC / 0 ... 10 V DC with direction signal
0/4 ... 20 mA
Recordable motion data (PLC-interface)
Galvanically insulated fieldbus interface:
CANopen DSP402
EtherCAT CoE
Safe Torque Off Category 3 Performance Level e
Multiturn absolute encoder
Connection to External EnDAT2.2 encoder
Standstill brake
Planetary and worm gearboxes