组蛋白H3抗体直销 组蛋白H3抗体畅销 组蛋白H3供应 益启供
- 产品价格:
- 1
- 更新时间:
- 2018-07-27
- 点击关注:
- 102
- 产品型号:
- 齐全
- 产品品牌:
- 默克
- 供应商:
- 上海益启生物科技有限公司
- 联系人:
- 张经理
- 手机:
- 13916378703
- 电话:
- 021-60256298
- 在线咨询:
- 传真:
- 021-60256298
- 所在地区:
- 上海 上海
- 地址:
- 漕宝路400号明申商务广场907、908
组蛋白H3抗体直销 组蛋白H3抗体畅销 组蛋白H3供应 益启供
产品名称:Anti-trimethyl-Histone H3 (Lys27) Antibody
产品介绍:组蛋白H3 27位赖氨酸甲基化通常与基因沉默相关。可应用与遗传发育,干细胞,免疫,肿瘤等研究方面。
高文献引用率:trimethyl-Histone H3抗体文献引用率超过1000篇,排名首位。(数据来自CiteAb网站)
多种实验验证:ICC, IP, Mplex, WB, IHC,ChIP, ChIP-seq
高特异性抗体:经过protein A纯化
性价比高:200ug包装目录价5227 RMB。
提供多种荧光直标的抗体:-AF488, -AF647, -AF555
l VHL Deficiency Drives Enhancer Activation of Oncogenes in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma.
In Cancer Discovery on 1 November 2017 by Yao, X., Tan, J., et al..
l EZH2 enables germinal centre formation through epigenetic silencing of CDKN1A and an Rb-E2F1 feedback loop.
In Nature Communications on 12 October 2017 by Béguelin, W., Rivas, M. A., et al..
l Disruption of an RNA-binding hinge region abolishes LHP1-mediated epigenetic repression.
In Genes and Development on 1 November 2017 by Berry, S., Rosa, S., et al..
l CDYL suppresses epileptogenesis in mice through repression of axonal Nav1.6 sodium channel expression. (View PDF)
In Nature Communications on 25 August 2017 by Liu, Y., Lai, S., et al..
l Cytokinin Signaling Activates WUSCHEL Expression during Axillary Meristem Initiation.
In The Plant Cell on 1 June 2017 by Wang, J., Tian, C., et al..