- 产品价格:
- 请联系咨询
- 更新时间:
- 2018-11-27
- 点击关注:
- 87
- 产品型号:
- LS-121
- 产品品牌:
- Nationaldiagnostics
- 供应商:
- 上海桑戈生物科技有限公司
- 联系人:
- 苏凌峰
- 手机:
- 13661616642
- 电话:
- 021-55138916
- 在线咨询:
- 传真:
- 021-35120405
- 所在地区:
- 上海 上海
- 地址:
- 花园路66弄嘉和国际大厦1号楼26F
Liquiscint 传统型闪烁液传统型闪烁液,价格,厂家,上桑戈供
Liquiscint 传统型闪烁液(高样品容量型)
Economical Traditional Formulation
Solid Consistent Performer
High Flash Point Low Evaporation Rate Solvent
Catalog Number: LS-121
Liquiscint是一种适用于水溶性和有机类样品的,经济即用型闪烁液。用于替代通用的自行制备的甲苯-triton x-100闪烁液。Liquiscint闪烁液方便安全不仅节省自己配置溶液的人力物力,还提供了严格的质量控制保证,保证批与批之间的一致性。密闭保存于阴凉干燥的环境中,有效期可以达到5年。
Liquiscint is an economical, ready-to-use liquid scintillation solution designed for aqueous and organic samples. Liquiscint is intended as a general replacement for toluene-Triton X-100 LSC solutions.
For no more than you are now paying to prepare your own solutions, Liquiscint offers the advantages of convenience and safety, as well as stringent quality control testing to ensure consistency from batch to batch.
Liquiscint is manufactured using our exclusive high flash point, low evaporation rate solvent which offers higher counting efficiency while also reducing fire hazard and exposure to aromatic solvents.
Storage: Liquiscint is best stored tightly capped in a cool dry area. It is stable for five years under normal conditions. Flash point 114oF (TCC).