凹凸刻字膜 凹凸热转印刻字膜 凹凸割字转印膜
- 产品价格:
- 1
- 更新时间:
- 2019-01-18
- 点击关注:
- 348
- 产品品牌:
- 创时
- 供应商:
- 东莞市创时转印材料有限公司
- 联系人:
- 刘艳
- 电话:
- 18825817586
- 所在地区:
- 广东 东莞
- 地址:
- 大岭山镇农一南一巷
品名:凹凸刻字膜 凹凸热转印刻字膜 凹凸割字转印膜 凹凸热转印膜 凹凸转移膜 凹凸烫印膜 凹凸贴合膜
1.产品信息 Product information
刻字膜质感特殊,该产品须和电脑刻字机及烫画机配套使用,非常 方便,还可套色转印,以增加承应物的丰富性和变化性,且不受限于布 料的颜色,只要是布料材质皆可转印,转印后具有优越的洗水色牢度及 胶粘牢度。该产品广泛应用于单色图形、球队制服的队标、运动号码、 标志、广告、海报、公司logo...
It has special texture and be used with computer, vinyl cutter plotter and heat press machine easily. It also can be used in mix colors transfer to increase richness and variability of printing stock. Also, it isn’t limited by the fabric color. As long as the material is made of fabric, it can be transferred with excellent color fastness and adhesive fastness against water. The platinglaser vinyl is widely used in single color graphics, team uniform logo, sports number, signs, advertisement, posters, company logo etc.
2.规格型号 Specificton and model
正常提供规格为:19英寸 X 25码/卷,常备W C M Y K等多种颜色, 同时也可根据客户具体要求订做不同规格及颜色的产品。
Normal available size and color: 19 inches x 25 yards / roll, more than 10 colors with WCMYK standard. Customer’s designs and color are available.
特种幻彩膜 特殊幻彩膜 特殊七彩膜
特殊效果刻字膜 特种效果刻字膜 特殊效果割字膜
七彩转印膜 七彩转移膜 七彩烫印膜